Protect our Park


We have had a few reports about neighbors going back in the woods and around the park and finding smoking devices kids are using (not to mention beer cans and other trash).  We wanted to share that the last few of these “bongs” have been made using sockets from a hardware set.  Parents, this might be a moment to check the garage and see if your missing any pieces, if you know what I mean.
As a reminder, the park closes at dusk and the woods are technically off limits b/c they are property of the neighborhood or the city.  Please make sure your children are aware of this.
I will also share with you that this year, during our neighborhood clean up day, we will be going back in these woods and doing some much needed clean up.  This may be a good time to have the kids help out.  As we do every year, we’re willing to sign letters if a child is needing community service hours for work.  The Clean Up Date will be coming out soon.